Said, Captain Saleh, Luca, and Ayaz
Top speed: 8.4 knots!
17th May 2010
Ship’s Log
Jewel is making fast progress across the Bay of Bengal but it’s hard going
Heavy overcast skies, strong winds, and intermittent rain all day. At mid-day, we sailed through a squall with 42 knot winds and torrential rain. The ship reached an exhilarating top speed of 8.4 knots.
Breakfast this morning was sliced bread and white cheese from a jar; lunch, a 9th century Snickers bar; and dinner sliced bread and beans.
Currently (0200) winds are between 20 & 30 knots, overcast, temperature cool, some lightning to the north. Speed is approximately 6 knots.
In these conditions, we are using the port quarter rudder and the median rudder to steer. The ship is handling well. All hands are delighted to have the new masts. Some waves coming over the side occasionally but the pumps are working well.
We are happy to welcome three new crew members on this leg: Michael Lithgow, videographer: Mylai Prabhakar, navigator; and Luca Belfioretti, ship construction leader.