Ale helps prepare our first real Italian dinner
Inching towards Cochin
11th March 2010
Ship’s Log
The Jewel inches toward Cochin through a stifling heat relieved by an excellent dinner!
A slow day aboard the Jewel of Muscat. We are still due south of Kalpeni Island. The breeze is only occasional and our total distance for the day is approximately 20 miles–a far cry from previous days when we made 100 miles. After a breakfast of beans we set about various maintenance tasks for most of the day–when possible, trying to stay in the little shade that the sails offered. Sleep is so difficult now because of the stiflingly hot air below decks, that some in the crew are functioning on only 3-4 fitful hours per day. The highlight of the day was when Ale and Mateo produced our first Italian meal of Fusili with tuna sauce. It was a big hit with the crew.
The winds seem to be picking up slightly. Captain Saleh has ordered that the mizzen sail be raised to take advantage of every breath of wind. Ever so slowly, we inch our way toward Cochin.