Captain Saleh at sunset
Captain’s Log: The Jewel family
2nd March 2010
Captain Saleh Al-Jabri
Before the sunset tonight, I looked at the Omani flag flying on the ship and was once again filled with pride about this voyage and what it represents
As we begin our third week at sea we are approximately 150 miles from Indian territorial waters and making good progress towards Cochin. God willing, in five or six days we shall sight the Laccadive Islands, then turn more to the east before following the coast southward.
The crew of the Jewel of Muscat is healthy and is working well together. Everyone has their special role to play and they are functioning as a good team. The demands of life on board a small ship are great–conditions are very cramped, water is limited, and the weather is turning quite hot, especially below decks. But I am proud that everyone is getting along well and helping each other as much as possible. Ahmed, our cook, is doing an excellent job keeping all of us well fed. But sadly we are still waiting to catch some fresh fish.
I have especially enjoyed working with traditional navigational instruments such as the kamal and the sextant, and I am delighted to be reading fascinating navigational texts by Ahmed Ibn Majid and Sulaiman Al Mahri. One really must admire their tremendous knowledge of the sea, the winds, and the heavens.
We all miss our families in Oman and we wish them peace, good health, and safety. For the time being, the crew has become a sort of family and our morale is high. We know that we are taking part in an historic journey to celebrate Oman’s cultural heritage.
Before the sunset tonight, I looked at the Omani flag flying on the ship and was once again filled with pride about this voyage and what it represents. With every passing day my admiration for ancient sailors increases and it is my hope that, God willing, we shall carry on their remarkable sailing tradition by arriving safely in Singapore.
To our families, to all those who are following our journey, and to the many members of the press who are reporting on our progress, we send you our sincere gratitude for your support and encouragement.