The story of Jewel of Muscat from the earliest days to the completion of the voyage.

Project begins
1st January 2008
Model of the Jewel of Muscat is built, and search for materials begins.

Tree felling
15th June 2008
In Ghana, trees are felled to be milled into planks.

Milling the planks
16th June 2008
The wood is milled into planks before being transported from the forests in Ghana to Oman.

Selection of construction site
17th June 2008
The chosen space is identified and cleared on a beach in Oman and awnings are erected in preparation for work to begin.

Planks arrive at Qantab
8th October 2008
First container of Afzelia africana planks from Ghana arrives at the beach at Qantab.

The blessing
21st October 2008
The blood from the sacrifice is smeared on the stem post to guide the ship through the water.

The keel
5th November 2008
The keel is in place and the site looks more and more like a shipyard.

Inside the keel
20th January 2009
More and more planks are added and the internal frames now help to keep the shape.

The stern
1st March 2009
Stitching is happening on both sides now and the shape of the ship is really starting to show.

The Jewel of Muscat website launches
15th March 2009
The President of Singapore His Excellency S.R. Nathan officially launches the Jewel of Muscat website.

Storm damages shipyard
25th March 2009
A fierce storm collapses the canopy above the ship, but there is no damage to the Jewel of Muscat herself. Construction continues as soon as the debris is cleared.

Repairing the shipyard
6th April 2009
The team works hard to resurrect the storm-hit shipyard.

The keelson is fitted
21st April 2009
The huge keelson is hoisted into the ship and shaped by hand for a perfect fit. The keelson helps reinforce the keel and hold the supports for the hull in place.

Jewel of Muscat to date
13th May 2009
Steady work continues on the ship.

The first fashin is put in place
8th June 2009
The fashin is the tail of the stern fin of a double-ended vessel.

Shaping the sister keelson
8th July 2009
The sister keelson are additional square timbers, placed alongside the main keelson.

Jewel of Muscat
24th August 2009
The ship as it stands today.

Placing the last plank
1st September 2009
The last plank is put in place in the Jewel of Muscat.

Getting ready for launch
25th September 2009
The ship is now ready to be launched but much work has to be done to get her into the water. A track will be built to carry the ship down into the sea at low tide.

Captain appointed
6th October 2009
Saleh Said Al Jabri is appointed Captain of the Jewel of Muscat for the voyage from Oman to Singapore. Formerly second in command of the tall ship Shabab Oman, Saleh currently works as an instructor with Oman Sail.

Countdown to launch
14th October 2009
The construction team and engineers are working hard to get the ship into the water. First they have to build a frame round the boat and rails down to the sea.

Jewel of Muscat launched
18th October 2009
The Jewel of Muscat is launched into the sea off Qantab – after a two-day operation to roll her down the beach.

Ship’s first voyage
18th October 2009
After launch, the ship is towed a short distance to a berth at Marina Bandar Al-Rowdha – where she will be fitted with masts and rigging before starting sea trials and crew training.

Fitting out begins
20th October 2009
The Jewel is Muscat is now berthed in Marina Bandar Al-Rowdha. She is sitting well in the water and there are no serious problems with leaks. Over the coming weeks she will be fitted out with teak masts from India, palm leaf sails from Zanzibar, natural rope rigging and accommodation.

Masts arrive at Qantab
14th November 2009
The mast timbers have arrived from India. The carpenters have started shaping the teak logs. It will take one week for the masts to be ready.

Anti-fouling is applied
25th November 2009
The Jewel of Muscat is taken out of the water at the Royal Yacht Squadron for Chunam anti-fouling mixture to be applied. Once completed the ship will return to the water for her masts and rigging to be fitted.

Masts are fitted
12th December 2009
The masts are lowered into the Jewel of Muscat with a crane. At the same time the rigging is attached. As soon as the sails are ready the Jewel will be set to begin sea trials.

First sea trial
4th January 2010
The Jewel of Muscat completes her first sea trial successfully. The ship performs well, even close to the wind. Both steering systems work well and the ship is light to control. More sea trials will follow and crew training will now get underway.

Jewel of Muscat formally named
1st February 2010
Goh Chok Tong, former Singaporean Prime Minister, and H.E Abdul Aziz Rawas, cultural adviser to HM Sultan Qaboos, officially name the Jewel of Muscat in a ceremony marking the friendship between Oman and Singapore.

Jewel of Muscat sets sail
16th February 2010
Jewel of Muscat gets a spectacular send-off as she sets sail for Singapore. After a ceremony addressed by HH Sayyid Shibab Bin Tariq Al Said, Capt Saleh Al Jabri rings Jewel’s bell to start the voyage and shortly before 12 noon she slips her moorings. She now has up to four weeks sailing ahead of her to cover the 1,200 miles to Cochin in southern India.

Jewel of Muscat arrives in Kochi
15th March 2010
Jewel of Muscat arrives safely in Kochi after covering 1300 miles in 28 days. After struggling with little wind and adverse currents she is towed into port surrounded by other ships. Dignitaries from Oman and India greet the crew, then dancing and celebrations break out on the quayside. Jewel will now head for dry dock for maintenance before she heads on to Sri Lanka.

Jewel of Muscat’s second leg begins…
10th April 2010
The Jewel begins her second leg from Kochi, India. Helped along by steady winds, and a squall that pushed her to a record speed of 7.8 knots, she is on schedule to arrive in Galle, Sri Lanka around the 18th of April.

Jewel of Muscat arrives in Sri Lanka
19th April 2010
Jewel of Muscat and her crew reach Sri Lanka safely after coming through a heavy storm which damaged one of her masts. After repairs have been carried out, she will head out from Galle across the Bay of Bengal to George Town on Penang Island, Malaysia.

Jewel of Muscat sets sail for Malaysia
15th May 2010
Jewel of Muscat sets sail from Galle, Sri Lanka at 11.00 am local time, to begin her voyage to George Town, Malaysia after a warm send off from Sri Lankan and Omani officials. Jewel and her crew of 19 now face three weeks sailing across possibly rough seas to Malaysia.

Arrival in Georgetown, Penang
2nd June 2010
After 19 days at sea the Jewel of Muscat arrives safely in Georgetown, Penang Island . Jewel came through stormy squalls and challenging currents to reach Malaysia travelling at record speeds. The crew will now rest before setting sail around June 16th to Singapore on the last two legs of her epic voyage.

Jewel begins fourth leg
19th June 2010
Jewel of Muscat sails from Georgetown, Penang to begin the fourth leg of her voyage. She will now sail through the crowded waters of the Straits of Malacca to reach Port Klang in a few days.

Jewel reaches Port Klang
21st June 2010
Jewel makes good time to reach Port Klang, her final stop before Singapore. After weeks of sailing the final goal is near.

Jewel begins final leg
27th June 2010
Jewel leaves Port Klang at 1400 local time to begin the final leg of her historic voyage to Singapore. She is due to reach Singapore on July 3rd where a spectacular welcome awaits her and she will be handed over to the people of Singapore as a gift from Oman.

Jewel of Muscat arrives in Singapore
3rd July 2010
Jewel of Muscat arrives in Singapore to a spectacular and joyous welcome. She is welcomed by the President of Singapore H.E. S R Nathan and H.H. Sayyid Harib Bin Thuwainy Al-Said, representative of H.M. Sultan Qaboos Bin Said of the Sultanate of Oman. In a formal ceremony Jewel is handed over to the people of Singapore as a gift from Oman.

Jewel’s Captain honoured
6th September 2010
HM Sultan Qaboos bestows the medal of Honour on Saleh Al Jabri for his achievements as Captain of the Jewel of Muscat.

Jewel on permanent display
15th October 2011
The Jewel of Muscat goes on permanent display in Singapore as the Maritime Experiential Museum opens to the public.