His Excellency Sayyid Badr, Secretary General, Oman Ministry of Foreign Affairs
A personal message from H.E. Sayyid Badr, Sec General, Oman Ministry of Foreign Affairs
16th February 2010
His Excellency Sayyid Badr, Secretary General, Oman Ministry of Foreign Affairs
My dear and noble Crew and Captain of the Jewel of Muscat,
It gives me a special honour and pride to address you with this brief personal message, as you embark on this historic Voyage.
Today begins a new chapter in the maritime history of our country. No doubt you have thought and talked about this; perhaps even awoken at night dreaming of this. The Jewel is indeed an inspirational project for men and women, young and old. She is a dream come true.
As you ride the ocean with your beautiful Jewel, your family, your friends and many of us around the globe, united by a common heritage, a common endeavour of friendship and love, will be thinking of you, keeping track and wishing you a journey filled with joy, adventure and success.
“Verily He Who ordained the Qur’an of thee, will bring thee back to the Place of Return.”
May your sails be always filled with fair wind, your hull supported by inviting seas, your hands guided upon the rudder, and may you return home to us again, to a safe and loving harbour.
Thank you for your dedication, commitment and loyalty. We are all proud of you and wish you all well and the safest of passages. I look forward to greeting you at each port of call, as you deliver this gift from the People of Oman, safely to our friends the People of Singapore.