Jewel on film
Two full length documentaries tell the story of how Jewel was built, and follow the ship and her crew on their epic voyage from Oman to Singapore.
There are also further short films telling the story of the Jewel of Muscat and her valuable legacy.

Arab Treasure Ship – 47 minutes
This film shows the ship’s construction and launch. It tells the story of how she was sewn together without a single screw, nail or bolt and the mighty struggle to launch her.
Sailing the Treasure Ship – 45 minutes
This film follows Jewel’s epic journey from Oman to Singapore. It tells the story of the crew’s battles with raging storms and scorching calms before she finally reaches Singapore to be delivered as a gift from HM Sultan Qaboos bin Said.
Exhibition Opening – 4:49 minutes
Jewel of Muscat is centre stage at the opening of a National Geographic exhibition about ancient trade routes as it opens in Salalah, Oman.
Jewel on display in Singapore – 4:33 minutes
Jewel of Muscat goes on display to the public with the opening of the Maritime Experiential Museum in Singapore.
Jewel of Muscat 5th Anniversary – 28 minutes
Five years after the Jewel of Muscat reached Singapore, this film looks back over the story of her construction and voyage and at what the project has achieved in Oman and around the world.